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National African American Roller Skating Archive (NAARSA) transparent logo

Archive Established

In 2004, OFSA entered into an agreement with the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC) at Howard University to establish the National African American Roller Skating Archive (NAARSA).


OFSA's role within the partnership is to connect with the community to collect items documenting the participation of African Americans in all aspects of roller skating.  â€‹OFSA also works to promote the collection and the history captured within, organizing exhibits and producing other works to share the unique rich history revealed.


Moorland Spingarn Research Center (MSRC) is the permanent repository where the collection is maintained and persevered. To learn more about the amazing mission and worked performed at the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MRSC) visit


naarsa collection

Bill Howland Roller Skater | National African American Roller Skating Archive (NAARSA)

Images capturing every aspect of the African American community's involvement in roller skating. 

Fantastic World of Wheels - Soul Travelers | National African American Roller Skating Archive (NAARSA)

Paper documents includes fliers, programs, books, articles, manuscripts, organizational records, and personal roller skate stories.   

Beat Keeper Wheels | National African American Roller Skating Archive (NAARSA)

Historic and unique examples of skate apparel, skate equipment, videos, medals, patches, and everything Style.

archive Submission 

Become a part of history!  The collection process is on-going. New items are being accepted.  Submit items to the NAARSA via mail with a completed submission form. 


Our Family Skate Association partnered with StoryCorp to record over 130 roller skater stories across America. As part of the Griot Project, their stories are now included in the Smithsonian Museum of African American History & Culture collection and stored at the Library of Congress.

Everybody has a skate story. What's yours? Submit your skate story to the archive.

Guidance Sheet
Submit your story

  • Are current items considered historic?
    Yes. NAARSA is interested in capturing current skate history and information.
  • Can items be returned once submitted?
    Items submitted to the National African American Roller Skating Archive will not be returned as they become apart of the permanent collection preserved at the Moorland Spingarn Research Center.
  • What kind of information and items are appropriate to submit?
    1. Individual personal skate stories in a written document or recording with or without a video component. A still photo is desired, not required. 2. Archival organizational records are an excellent submission. 3. Event flyers and promotional material that displays the name of the organization or host, location, and date. 4. Pictures with names of the people captured, location, date, and description of event. Information should be written lightly with a pencil on the back of the photograph at the bottom. 5. Artifacts such as clothing or extremely rare and significant roller skates.
  • Is the National African American Roller Skating Archive a museum?
    No. The National African American Roller Skating Archive is a collection and a project, whose mission is to add items. OFSA facilitates exhibits showcasing items to support collections effort and to educate the community on the unique history of roller skating from an African American perspective.
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